Thursday, February 23, 2006

Two dawg, one cat nights

Winter finally has arrived in northeastern Louisiana.

And with it, we've discovered the true meaning of "three dog night."

Lindsey says that means it takes three dogs on the bed to keep you warm.

We're experiencing a similar reaction.

We call it the "two dog, one cat night."

When the temperature outside dips below 40, the two border collies and the calico cat all find warm places on our queen-sized bed.

It's bad enough that they park themselves politely when we first go to sleep.

Then they stretch out.

When they're asleep, they're as dead-weight as a bunch of concrete blocks on the bed. You can't budge. You can't change positions. They've got you locked down.

At least once each night, I'm awakened by Lindsey's gruff, "ROUX! OFF!"

She's the worst bed hog -- she stretches out, managing somehow to cover about six square feet of bed space.

I finally took half a Tylenol PM past night and wasn't awakened once by "Gumbo, MOVE" or "ROUX! OFF!"

Couldn't have been that I was in a drugged sleep. Maybe it was just warmer...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, you described it very well. I couldn't imagine sleeping any other way.

10:16 AM  

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